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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Attract perfect mate/ improve your relationships

Personal relationships are very important.

Most of us think that our relationships make us, only when people love us we are truly valuable.

Louise Hay says that there is a big difference between need for love and being needy for love. Being needy means that you are missing love and approval from the most important person you know: yourself.

The most important relationship you have is with yourself.

How do you treat yourself?

Do you love and approve of yourself unconditionally or do you put conditions for yourself.

For example if you say that if I have a great job only then I am more valuable then you do not love yourself unconditionally.

How can you not love yourself?

You are a great person because you are you.

You are a person who was born as a positive addition in the world. When you were young you demanded what you wanted. You did not care about others approval because you approved yourself. As you grew older your surroundings disapproved you and you trusted them instead of yourself. It is normal to seek approval from others but how can they be judge of something that is truly yours. You are only yours. You are the only person who can feel yourself. Then why would you give out authority to others about your feelings. You should not. It is now time to take that authority back and love you truly.

If you think that having a great job is the only way people will love you then you are mistaken. People will love you after you get a great job only because that is your belief. If your belief is that people love you unconditionally then even that will come true. You can begin this by loving yourself conditionally. You know you deserve it.

Loving yourself is easier than you think.

Step one is to stop criticizing yourself. In your assignment if you receive only C instead of B or A that you expected do not start cursing your professor or yourself. Say to yourself I have learned from this. I now move on to the place where I attract better grades, where I study more and write my assignment with a great content.

If your boyfriend leaves you it is not because you are not good enough but it is because you and him are not aligned together. He wants something else from life while you want something else.

When you stop criticizing yourself you will automatically stop criticizing others. Nobody likes people who judge them but they are usually quick to judge others. When you stop judging yourself and others you become a friendly and attractive person.

How do you want your loved ones to behave with you is the same way you should behave with yourself. If you want respect from others then respect yourself first. If you want your lover to buy you flowers then make sure to pamper yourself with flowers. You are attracting the feelings of happiness that you receive after getting flowers. This way even if you do not receive flowers from others you know that you have already satisfied your need and you did not need anyone to do it for you.

You never need anyone to make yourself feel good. These are norms created by society. You are of course entitled to live happily with your perfect partner but do not be dependent on him or her to satisfy your needs. If you treat yourself good then by law of attraction you will attract similar relationships in your life.

Do not talk about loneliness and needy.

Are you really alone?

You always have yourself with you. You walk with your mind, you sleep with your mind, and you have deep conversations with your mind. Mind is truly your best friend, life companion. Everything can be lost or destroyed but your mind will be always there. Of course your mind can also act as your enemy if you do not train it with positivity but fortunately it entirely in your own control to train it with your thoughts. Your mind is your ability to think, you are your best friend.

You are always supported by the great intelligence of your own mind. When you are alone you can talk to yourself about what is the best way to go home and you can decide on your own.

When you start to feel lonely, get dressed and go out for a walk. Go to your favorite park or a museum.. You do not truly need others. But human is a social animal. Each and every one of us needs to socialize that means none of us can stay alone increasing your chances to be with others. Therefore let your subconscious mind know that there is really someone out there who is your perfect mate. With whom you are ready enjoy your time.

If you keep saying that nobody loves me, then by law of attraction you will bring the exact same thing. Instead say to yourself, I love my own company. I am smart, happy and fun to be with. You will attract it from all corners and people will love to be with you.

When someone says something bad about you, don't get upset. Know that you attracted this situation due to your previous old thinking. But now you can think better. Do not argue with people who do not see the good in you instead leave them alone. It is a good thing to know when some people do not want to hang out with you because by law of attraction you are attracting people who are like you, not negative people.

Don't talk about how awful it is now.

This will bring in more awfulness in your life. If you love to have companies in your home then make sure that your home is always presentable. You are always ready to entertain the company. You always have snacks.

Attract your perfect mate:

Our thoughts are reflected in our lives but many times we let our lives reflect in our thoughts. It is normal but it will only bring in what you see not what you desire.

95% of our behavior is originated in our subconscious mind. Only way to get to the subconscious mind is through our conscious mind. Once our subconscious mind believes something consider its done. For example, your subconscious mind (the most intelligent machine by the way) knows and believes that there always be the next breath for you to inhale and guess what this most important thing is always available for you. When our subconscious mind starts believing that you are not good enough through repeated conscious affirmations then you will not be able accept anything good. You will behave in a way that deprives you from the goodness. You may be an excellent hire for a job but you will be denied because you behaved in some terrible way during your interview. Bottom line is that you have to let your subconscious mind that you truly believe your goodness.

To attract your perfect mate you have to make sure that subconscious mind is accepting what you want. So tell it through your conscious mind that you are now ready to accept your perfect mate. Treat yourself in a way that you want your perfect mate to treat you and your subconscious will believe that you truly deserve it and guess what you will receive it.

Your subconscious mind can set your limits or allow you to accept all that you desire.

Train your subconscious mind to attract your perfect mate and to improve your relationships.

Remember your most important relationship is the one with yourself.

Create new thoughts. Thoughts create your future.

Say these affirmations as frequently as you can:

From time to time I ask those whom I love, how can I love you more

I choose to see clearly with eyes of love, I love what I see

I draw love and romance into my life and I accept it now

Love is around every corner and joy fills my entire world

I rejoice in the love I encounter every day

I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying I love you, I really really love you.

I now deserve love, romance and joy and all the good that life has to offer

I am surrounded by love, all is well

I am in a joyous, intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me

I am beautiful and everybody loves me

I am greeted by love wherever I go

I attract only healthy relationships

I am always treated well

I am very thankful for all the love in my life, I find it everywhere

Watch this video for effective affirmations.


Thank you!!

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