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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Affirmations for studies. Increase your concentration, improve your grades!

Video is coming soon.

To study is to understand something thoroughly. It does not mean memorization. You can study

a book and you can study a person, but you can’t

memorize a book. Yes you can understand both.

When you are studying in school, your grades are

very important but even more important is that

you can use the studied material in your life.

Many people say that things we use in the school

are not used in the real life. It may be true for them because they are affirming that. However if

you study well during your school years be assured that your school work will use it in real life.

You will need to understand how body works and you will need to know how to calculate beta.

The most important decision to make is the decision to study. Affirm to yourself, “I am now

willing to study for all my classes. I am open to all the knowledge that this class, this book and

this professor has to offer to me”.

Please don’t hate your professor, no matter what your peers are saying. When you do not

appreciate your professor you are giving vibrations that can make it difficult for you to

understand the course material. For example, you will not understand what professor is teaching

because you are too busy criticizing his or her teaching style or even worse his or her dressing


Bless your professor, your fellow students, your books and even your desk with love and begin a

joyous journey of study with love.

Do not get into peer pressure of thinking that not studying is cool. It may be cool for them but

studying gives you knowledge that you can use in every aspect of your life. You may not miss it

when you refuse to study but you will not be able to live without it once you study it.

To pass your courses easily say these affirmations

• I am now willing to accept all the knowledge in this book

• I am open to understand new concepts and use them in my life

• I appreciate all the great research work that is already done in this area, I understand it now

• It is easy for me to concentrate when I begin my studies

• It is easy for me to understand new concepts

• I memorize formulas very quickly

• All my exams are easy and I always finish them with love

• I pass all my exams with good grades, I am proud of myself

• It is easy for me to finish my research papers, I receive a lot of help

• It is very easy for me to give presentations

• It is fun to work in a team for projects, I bless my teammates with love

• I bless my school/college, my class, my professor, my fellow students, my books, my laptop and my desk

• I am grateful for this opportunity that life has given me

• And so it is!

To concentrate on your studies you can say these affirmations:

• I am now willing to accept all the knowledge in this book

• I am open to understand new concepts and use them in my life

• I appreciate all the great research work that is already done in this area, I understand it now

• It is easy for me to concentrate when I begin my studies

• It is easy for me to understand new concepts

• I memorize formulas very quickly

• I pass all my exams with good grades, I am proud of myself

• I am grateful for this opportunity that life has given me

• And so it is!